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How Keir Starmer’s Government Will Impact NRIs in the UK

A comprehensive look at Labour's effect on UK immigration for NRIs.
min read
July 12, 2024

With Labour’s resounding victory in the 2024 UK General Elections, significant changes in immigration policies and visa regulations are anticipated. With promises of a fairer and more inclusive society, Labour’s policies are poised to impact various sectors, including immigration.

For Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) in the UK, this political change could bring about notable alterations in immigration policies, visa regulations, and opportunities.

Let’s find out how Labour's effect on immigration might shape the future for NRIs in the UK.

Labour’s Immigration Policy Stance

Labour has consistently advocated a system of immigration that strikes a balance between compassion and regulation. Labour leaders emphasised their commitment to developing a fair and compassionate immigration system during the election campaign.

In their manifesto, they made a number of significant promises:

  • Setting in place a clear and efficient visa application procedure.
  • Protecting immigrant rights and making sure they receive fair treatment.
  • Promoting immigrants' assimilation into UK society.

These pledges suggest that immigration laws may change to become more welcoming and accommodating, which may help non-resident Indians (NRIs) who wish to reside, work, or study in the UK.

Anticipated Changes in Visa Regulations

1. Work Visas

Currently, NRIs face stringent requirements for obtaining work visas in the UK. Under Labour, there are expectations of:

  • Relaxation in Requirements: In order to get a work visa in the UK, NRIs must currently navigate complicated sponsorship processes and high salary thresholds. Labour's proposals might ease these restrictions, facilitating the entry of skilled professionals into the UK job market
  • Employer Support: Labour pledges to aid UK enterprises in hiring international talent, maybe through incentives and assistance for businesses wishing to hire NRIs.

2. Student Visas

For NRIs pursuing education in the UK, several positive changes are anticipated:

  • Extended Post-Study Work Rights: Currently, NRIs can stay in the UK for up to 2 years after graduation. The Labour party may extend this duration, allowing graduates more time to seek employment and establish their careers.
  • Reduced Tuition Fees: There is a possibility of reduced tuition fees for international students, making UK education more accessible and affordable.

3. Family Visas

Family reunification could become more feasible with Labour's expected reforms:

  • Relaxation of Financial Requirements: Currently, NRIs must meet a minimum income requirement of £18,600 to bring a spouse to the UK. Labour's policies could ease these financial thresholds, allowing more NRIs to reunite with their families.
  • Streamlined Application Process: Simplifying the visa process would reduce the time and complexity involved in reuniting families.

Summary of Impact on NRIs in the UK Amidst Labour's Victory 

1. Visa Policies and Immigration Rules

The Labour government may streamline visa procedures, making it easier for Indian students to obtain study visas and more favourable post-study work visas, encouraging them to stay and work in the UK.

2. Tuition Fees and Financial Support

Labour’s advocacy for affordable education might lead to increased scholarships and financial aid options, easing the financial burden on Indian students facing high tuition and living costs.

3. Quality of Education and Research Opportunities

Increased funding for universities under Labour could improve infrastructure, resources, and research opportunities, benefiting Indian students in fields like technology, medicine, and engineering.

4. Job Market and Employment Prospects

Labour's focus on job creation in healthcare, technology, and green energy could provide more employment opportunities for Indian students post-graduation.

5. Cultural and Social Environment

A Labour-led government may promote a more inclusive and multicultural society, enhancing the overall quality of life and support for Indian students in the UK.

Looking Forward: Challenges for NRIs in the UK

While there are numerous potential benefits, NRIs may also face some challenges under the new political scenario:

  • Transitional Issues: It may be difficult to adjust to new immigration policies at first.
  • Stricter Enforcement: There may be concerns about the tight enforcement of immigration restrictions.
  • Bureaucratic Delays: The possibility of bureaucratic inefficiencies and delays may impact visa processing times.
  • Policy Reversals: Future political transitions may result in changes or reversals in immigration policies, causing uncertainty for NRIs.


Labour’s victory in the 2024 UK General Elections is set to bring about notable changes in immigration policies and visa regulations, impacting NRIs in multifaceted ways. With a focus on inclusivity and support for immigrants, Labour's policies are likely to create new opportunities while also posing certain challenges.

As the UK adapts to this political shift, NRIs must stay informed and prepared to leverage the emerging prospects while navigating any potential hurdles.

The coming years promise a dynamic and evolving landscape for NRIs in the UK, shaped by Labour’s progressive vision for immigration.

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Rupali enjoys writing about everything related to money (in India and around the world). A MICA graduate in Communications, she has over seven years of experience in content creation and communication strategy for various user touchpoints, from CRM to UX for apps and websites, especially in fintech and healthcare. Outside of work, you'll find her binging on true crime documentaries or cooking up a storm.

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