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Old vs. New Tax Regime: Best Choice for NRIs in 2024

Guide to choosing the right tax regime for NRIs
min read
July 23, 2024

Choosing the right tax regime is a critical decision for Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) to optimise their tax liabilities and ensure their financial well-being. In India, taxpayers have the option to select between the old tax regime, which includes various deductions and exemptions, and the new tax regime, which offers lower tax rates but minimal deductions. Understanding the differences and evaluating which regime aligns best with one's financial situation is essential for NRIs.

Let's explore how NRIs can make informed decisions about selecting the appropriate tax regime for a hassle-free and financially beneficial experience.

Understanding NRI Taxation

Double Taxation Relief

One of the significant hurdles for NRIs is the challenge of double taxation. Your income might be taxed both in India and your country of residence. Thankfully, India has Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements (DTAAs) with many countries. Leveraging these agreements effectively can prevent the financial strain of being taxed twice on the same income.

Income Reporting Requirements

Compliance is key. NRIs must report all Indian income, from rental income to interest earned on Indian bank accounts and capital gains from asset sales. Failing to meet these reporting requirements can lead to penalties, adding unnecessary complications to your financial life.

Tax on Global Income

Some countries tax their residents on global income, which means NRIs might need to declare their Indian income in their country of residence and pay taxes accordingly. It’s crucial for NRIs to understand the tax laws of their resident country to manage their global income effectively.

Old Tax Regime vs New Tax Regime – Tax Slabs

Old Tax Slabs

Old Income Tax Rates

New Tax Slabs

New Income Tax Rates

Upto Rs 2.5 Lakh


Upto Rs 3 Lakh


Rs 2.5 Lakh-Rs 5 Lakh


Rs 3 Lakh-Rs 7 Lakh


Rs 5 Lakh- 10 Lakh


Rs 7 Lakh- 10 Lakh


Above 10 Lakh


Rs 10 Lakh- 12 Lakh



Rs 12 Lakh- 15 Lakh



Above 15 Lakh


How to Choose Between Old and New Tax Regimes?

Deductions and Exemptions

For NRIs who have significant deductions and exemptions, the old tax regime can be highly beneficial. This regime allows for various deductions under Section 80C for investments, Section 24 for home loan interest, and more. 

However, opting for the old regime requires detailed documentation and a strategic approach to tax planning.

Lower Tax Rates

The new tax regime offers lower tax rates but eliminates most deductions and exemptions. This can simplify tax calculations and compliance, making it an attractive option for those without substantial deductions. 

The straightforward nature of this regime can ease the tax filing process, especially for NRIs seeking simplicity.

Evaluating Financial Situations

When deciding between the two regimes, NRIs should assess their financial situations and income sources. Those with high deductions and exemptions may benefit more from the old regime, despite its higher rates. 

Conversely, NRIs who prefer a simplified tax process and have minimal deductions might find the new regime more advantageous.


Choosing between the old and new tax regimes is a significant decision for NRIs that can impact their financial management and tax liabilities.

By understanding the key differences, evaluating personal financial scenarios, and seeking professional advice, NRIs can make informed choices that best suit their financial needs.

Proper planning and evaluation can help maximise the benefits of the chosen tax regime and ensure a hassle-free experience.

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Rupali enjoys writing about everything related to money (in India and around the world). A MICA graduate in Communications, she has over seven years of experience in content creation and communication strategy for various user touchpoints, from CRM to UX for apps and websites, especially in fintech and healthcare. Outside of work, you'll find her binging on true crime documentaries or cooking up a storm.

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